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pbase Joan Gabi Moki June 26 _DSC5391.jpg

pbase Joan Gabi Moki June 26 _DSC5391.jpg

Good byes are tough. My Niece saying, "good bye" to her 12 year old dog as she
is returning to Pittsburgh.

Of course, Moki is tyring to get into the action.

Edited to clarify that Gabi is doing well and just my niece going home.

Nikon D700
1/80s f/4.5 at 24.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad27-Jun-2009 22:09
Goodbyes are horrible. I bet she wishes she could take Gabi to Pittsburgh with her.
LOL @ Moki wanting to be centre stage as always. :-)
laine27-Jun-2009 03:04
I love Moki's effort :>)...Hope she's not sad for long !!