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Nelson Khor | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Nelson Khor24-Jul-2020 13:30
Joel, you can email as below
Joel 20-Jul-2020 04:47
Hello Nelson

I do not live in Malaysia in fact I’ve never visited but I would very much like to one day. I have been doing bird photography for a number of years. Can you share an email so that I can stay in contact with you should I ever make it there? All the best... joel
Nelson Khor27-Nov-2019 13:04
Hi Wee YC, welcome to bird photography world,Fraser's Hill is good place for bird, all day, all month and all year is good for bird.
In Frasher's Hill very simple. for 1st time, morning go to Jerai Resort car park and wait, the bird will be very active from 7am to 10am... the jerai resort is no more operate but can go in...
Henry Yap 30-Jul-2017 06:30
Great galleries, great photography, really enjoyed looking at all the beautiful birds, thank you for sharing.
I have been to a few places in Malaysia to photograph birds, Bukit Frasers is my favorite as the weather is cooling and it is very natural. Hope to visit again soon.
ivette1728-Jul-2017 11:00
Thank's for sharing this great galleries.
Nelson Khor17-Nov-2015 12:16
Sang, please email me at or facebook
Guest 17-Nov-2015 03:33
Hi Nelson, Can you recommend any good bird watching guides for picking me up at KUL and taking me around to Fraser Hill Area for 3N/4D bird photography tour?


Nelson Khor03-Sep-2014 12:11
Ivor, I'm not bird guide. but please refer to your email
Nelson Khor25-Jun-2013 13:37
Thanks, Trent Watts, do hope you enjoy the galleries
Trent Watts24-Jun-2013 22:21
Hello Nelson.. I just found your bird galleries. I am really impressed at your shots. I too love to take bird pictures. It is so interesting to see the different birds in your area. Some of them are so colorful. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Trent Watts
Lomea Hide photography 05-Dec-2012 09:52
Wildlife photography in Bulgaria
Nelson Khor10-Sep-2012 13:50
Frank, let we talk in email
Nelson Khor08-May-2012 13:19
Dear GJ Huisman,

OK.. tell me more about your book at

Nelson Khor
Nelson Khor29-Mar-2012 14:08
Dear James,

Sure all is welcome, I have drop to your email for this

Nelson Khor
Nelson Khor28-Jan-2012 13:04
Thanks Rene Asuncion
Nelson Khor20-Jan-2012 12:54
Steve Rooke, let we talk in gmail
steve rooke 17-Jan-2012 14:24
Hi nelson, I would like to use your image of Collared Bushchat from taiwan in one of our newsletters. would that be possible and what payment would you require? I would need you to email me a hi res image for printing from. Hope to hear from you soon steve rooke
Nelson Khor16-Jan-2012 13:07
Thanks Eagle Cheung,

Yes, I love bird and nature... actually I have few friend in Hong Kong they also like to photography bird..

Please feel free to join this forum..

This is the 1st Bird Photography Forum in Malaysia

Happy New Year

Nelson Khor
eaglecheung16-Jan-2012 07:43
Hi Nelson,

I enjoy watching your birds gallery. You must be a bird lover. I seldom see one in HK who's so obsessed with birds photography. Thank you for sharing.
yvonne16-Nov-2011 15:39
Dear Nelson,

We are working on a educational documentary in Singapore and have interviewed a nature lover in Bukit Timah Hill. We wish to seek your permission to use your image of the Shrew Faced Ground Squirrel to tie in with his interview as he mentions about spotting such animals. We kindly hope you will accede our request.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,
Yvonne Loh
Atul Dhamankar 14-Aug-2011 13:26
Dear Mr. Nelson,
I saw your bird images and they are simply superb. Specially those birds who were always live in thick canopy and never allow photographer to come close.
Hats off to you!
Atul Dhamankar
Günter 09-Jan-2011 16:55
Dear Nelson,

super Photos.

I am a Hobby-Zoologist from Austria and I work on a list of all bird species (only for myself and personal use). I want to add to all the animals in the list a picture, so I want to ask you, if I am allowed, to copy some pictures from your picture gallery by Oriental Bird Images and by photoshots in my lists - only for private use! I will not create a homepage, I will not sell the photos and I will not publish the photos - I only want to add them to my lists.
I am looking forward to a permission to copy some photos,

Yours faithfully


azamshah 06-Dec-2010 15:37
dear nelson. i found it that you sell bean bags... i want to buy, but how?
kindly email me at for further info and instructions...

looking forward to hear from you.
Stan Parker08-Nov-2010 16:32
Hi Nelson,
Your work is so very impressive and you have beautiful birds in your region. Thanks for sharing.
Larry Leon 09-Jul-2010 22:51
hi Nelson
i have enjoy so many beautiful Pictures here and your excllent photogragh skill ,thess pictures expanded my knowledge of birds,i am interesting about birds photogragh in Malaysia,can you briefly introduce some place for birds watching to me? Thanks!

Larry Leon
Ng Chan Chiew 18-May-2010 09:13
Hi Nelson. Thanks for replying and giving me the names of those birds. Your photography is really way above of what I can do. Congratulations.
Guest 21-Feb-2010 13:19
Hi Nelson,
I am Noldi Kakauhe from Tangkoko, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, I just open your pictures very nice, but I wouldlike to showing you about the birds Sulawesi, specialist endemic of Sulawesi so I will wait you in Tangkoko.
Noldi Kakauhe.
Wong Loong Tat 28-Jan-2010 15:02
Hi Nelson
Just spend an hour enjoying all your images. I am very impressed;you are obviously good in more than one genre!! Hope to meet up with you again soon. We thoroughly enjoyed your hospitality when we visited over the Christmas-New Year stretch!

Loong Tat
Hafiizh 19-Jan-2010 09:40
nice photo..keep up your artistry and good photography
Guest 03-Dec-2009 05:51
Hi Nelson,

This is Desmond, I am having trouble sending you PM via NPX. Is there an email address that I can reach you so that I can send you the mailing address for the bean bag. Please email me your contact at Thanks.
Ö£½¨Æ½ 17-Sep-2009 07:55
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CYF13-Apr-2009 14:34
Dear Nelson,

I am so excited after viewing your galleries.
Can you tell me more or share more with me for birds photography.
Rafeek Manchayil 08-Jan-2009 16:07
Amazing pictures...i will be visiting Sabah by end of June 2009 so i hope i will get some birds from there........... can you give some of the good places in Sabah for birding and which is the good book about Sabah birds.
Guest 26-Dec-2008 08:02
Hi Nelson,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

JM 15-Aug-2008 11:12
You have amazing photos. I like the various variations you have of each one - the slight changes make a real difference. Ever thought about chronicling your travels with description and a map like in ? It would be much easier to see all your photos.
Guest 01-Jul-2008 09:35
Nelson, your shot has been shortlisted for the cover contest at Naturepixels. Congrats.

Pls check your PM asap for the details. tks

Reed Isaacson 22-Jun-2008 00:18
I have downloaded nearly all your albums of bird photos from the Web. I think your work is just superb. I even put all the photos on a CD, and play the disc on my Television at home! I may not have heard of your name, but you have to be one of the best nature photographers in the world. And I mean that literally. I can't wait to see some more of your work. Many thanks!
Guest 12-May-2008 11:47
Haven't seen any bird shots lately from your site?
Jugal Tiwari 31-Mar-2008 05:19
Wonderful work Nelson

Enjoyed all your images


Jugal Tiwari
pcchin 30-Mar-2008 14:10
Very good! Beautiful....!
Inga Morozoff17-Mar-2008 23:33
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.
Steve Rutledge 01-Mar-2008 16:33
I would like to request permission to show some of your bird photos to my not-for-profit birding classes at the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society. Please write for details.
Thank you, Steve
shiva 15-Feb-2008 12:11
very nice collection
Guest 23-Jan-2008 21:35
great galleries
Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:40
I think looking through your pictures is time well spent.
Michelle Rhea18-Apr-2007 23:07
Many lovely photos!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:29
I'm the man, but you're the master. Master of beautiful pictures...
Guest 27-Jan-2007 10:06
Wow..Great Galleries there Nelson...Love all the birds shot
Phil Stubbs16-Jan-2007 14:10
Wow, just had a quick look through your galleries and you have some fabulous work there.

Guest 08-Dec-2006 01:38
Hi Nelson, Well, I just took my first look through your galleries (I still have more to see) and must say that you are an absolutely fantastic photographer! Your Black-napped Blue Monarch series is out-of-this-world! You must have a lot of patience, and obviously you have put a whole lot of time and work into this... I've always heard that Malaysia is a beautiful country, but now I know for sure... Gotta go back and look at more of your work...
Guest 26-Jul-2006 15:48
Very nice gallery
I like your animal behavior as well as as you night shots.
