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Lefteris Symantiras's Recent Galleries

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20-Oct-2012 14:30
Santorini 2012
[ Santorini 2012 ]
04-Jan-2010 20:12
[ Berlin ]
28-Aug-2009 09:52
Sounion, Temple of Poseidon
[ Sounion, Temple of Poseidon ]
25-Aug-2009 10:36
Macro Flora & Fauna
[ Macro Flora & Fauna ]
01-Aug-2009 15:10
Sifnos, 2009
[ Sifnos, 2009 ]
01-Aug-2009 15:09
Black & White
[ Black & White ]
05-Oct-2008 20:59
2nd Speed Race (Greek Championship - Athens)
[ 2nd Speed Race (Greek Championship - Athens) ]
12-Jul-2008 20:12
Icarus AeroExpo Athens 2008
[ Icarus AeroExpo Athens 2008 ]
10-Jul-2008 20:21
[ Netherlands ]
26-Apr-2008 08:42
[ Flowers ]
18-Mar-2008 22:30
Patras Carnival 2008 - Ðáôñéíü ÊáñíáâÜëé 2008
[ Patras Carnival 2008 - Ðáôñéíü ÊáñíáâÜëé 2008 ]
05-Jan-2008 18:50
Ancient Greece
[ Ancient Greece ]