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Larry Hallock 28-Jan-2017 22:28
Loved your Ethiopia photos. Been to Jinka a number of times over the past 19 years and surrounding areas, and well as to most other areas of the country. Your photos are strikingly beautiful. I thought I might spot someone I know in the crowds at the market, but didn't.

Larry of Chicago
hermankervel27-Sep-2014 10:53
nice pictures
Lieve Bertrand 31-May-2011 13:54
Héél mooi werk, vooral de omgeving van Kessel-lo en de Torlieberg in welke buurt ikzelf woon en schilder. Proficiat.
Guest 23-Dec-2009 10:14
Hi Monique,

Thank you for sharing all those varied and interesting images of your travel.
You've got a good point-and-shoot camera there and your photos could be sharper if you were to use photoshop or any picture editing software.

Guest 20-Jul-2009 04:54
Fantastic galleries. I'm waiting for an opportune 'between-jobs' time to follow the silk road west from xian. So, your Xinjiang pics etc inspire me! 07-May-2009 07:37
Very nice pictures, nice world, hope we enjoy this world and your work for a long time
Carry on Monique

Best regards and photographies
Marks12-Jul-2008 07:28
One of my favorites on pbase. Keep up the good work.
Paul NDINGA 01-Feb-2008 22:15
je suis passé visite ta superbe page bien garnie des jolies photos et ce qui m'a plus retenu c'est la photo de mon frère africain qui s'abrite sous un arbre qu'il a présenté avec un decor de choix mais j'ai plus à vous dire sur dialogue sur msn .A très bientôt
MaggieOlivie05-Jan-2008 21:03
I really love your pix.
I try to do the same but of course not as professional as you
Take a look of my website and give some pointers.I do travel photographs too
Walter Otto Koenig13-Nov-2007 15:30
Hi Monique,
I very much enjoyed looking through your Tibet galleries. You have taken some very beautiful photographs of a place I would like to visit very much. There is so much beauty to see you on your site, so I will surely visit again.

Best Wishes, Walter
Raf26-Jul-2007 20:35
Je maakt boeiende en verzorgde foto's met een geweldig fotografisch oog.
Fijn dat we hiervan mogen genieten.
Guest 20-Jun-2007 05:58
Pure display of talent.
Jaime González17-Jun-2007 09:12
I am absolutely impressed with your wonderful work. A pleasure for all the senses. Congratulations.
Guest 09-Jun-2007 18:36
Nikki Causer
Monique, you are amazing, wow beautiful colors. Have you ever been in Cyprus! love to see pictures from that Country.
Keep up the good work. Greetings from Scottsdale, Arizona.
Guest 19-Apr-2007 08:11
Dear Monique,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro and i will come back with pleasure...
Federico D'Incà21-Mar-2007 06:22
Great photos Monique ......tks for sharing ...!!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:04
Your work is amazing!
Guest 23-Feb-2007 10:27
hallo Monique,
it is my first time to visit your is so great you have a great feelings towards the faces...the faces of the people in the picture are so nice can show their painful and their smile in one time..... your pictures made me feel that i know these people..good work..and good luck
Romah 23-Feb-2007 10:27
hallo Monique,
it is my first time to visit your is so great you have a great feelings towards the faces...the faces of the people in the picture are so nice can show their painful and their smile in one time..... your pictures made me feel that i know these people..good work..and good luck
Guest 26-Dec-2006 02:16
What a stunning gallery of thoughtful travel photography. Well Done!!
Arnoud Jansen 04-Dec-2006 12:35
Hallo Monique,
Je word alsmaar beter. Ik geniet van al je foto's, die een heel goede impressie geven van het land en de mensen.

Ome Arnoud
Guest 26-Nov-2006 16:08
Mooie opnamen. Met de beste groeten uit Deinze Belgie.
Bernard AKLO 17-Nov-2006 16:09
suis ravis de faire connaissance à ce site internet! et vraiment c'est très joli comme site internet .
je te félicite beaucoup!!
Guest 14-Nov-2006 12:30
Zeer onder de indruk van je travel gallery, kom beslist terug,gr Enny.
Vaibhav Jain 18-Aug-2006 18:49
Beautiful photographs, i saw ur about travelling in jodhpur.I want to u ask u that have taken some photographs Mehrangarh Fort From Front Side. If u Have just e-mail.It's Request from me.
Dennis 24-Jul-2006 06:48
Excellent, love it!
Guest 18-Jul-2006 02:46
Beautiful photographs. I saw your message about travelling in Karnataka and thought you might be interested in meeting our group. We work in villages near Bangalore with women and children, specifically some groups who make recycled paper products and block print fabrics. If you would like to get in touch, the address is

Saras Ganapathy
JSWaters11-Jul-2006 18:48
Thank you, Monique, for taking a look. I only had a brief amount of time to look through your galleries and comment, but I plan to have a longer look soon. I liked what I saw very much - what a lucky girl you are to travel so extensively!
Guest 23-Jun-2006 23:26
bravo pour toutes ces photos magnifiques
Je pars en Ethiopie en septembre, ce pays me fascine. Est il facile de voyager? de faire des photos ? de rencontrer les gens du pays?
D'avance merci et encore bravo!!
Guest 01-Jun-2006 16:42
Hi there..well you certainly do travel alot and thats a blessing because your images are fantastic. You capture the atmosphere of a place and a mood of a person with such a passion. I Very much enjoyed what I have seen today but must come back to view the rest, as your galleries are indeed extensive. Regards....Lorraine
nel kostelijk 11-Apr-2006 08:32
Wat een geweldige site! Werkelijk prachtige foto's. Staat inmiddels in mijn favorieten.
Guest 12-Feb-2006 17:52
Hello, I've just added you to my favourite artist... The pictures re beautifull!
Guest 12-Feb-2006 09:25
Great photo`s and galleries
Guest 11-Feb-2006 14:39
Dear Monique,

I started browsing your galleries from Paris 2006 and then got captivated and started moving back a year, and then another one, and then another one.... in your galleries. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint. It's stunning, it's artistic and I would like to really congratulate you. Yannis
Guest 10-Feb-2006 15:07
Guest 10-Feb-2006 12:20
I am very surprised for the good work you have in your galleries, WOW.
Azlin Ahmad26-Dec-2005 13:28
I'm impressed that you could made the Canon G5 take such marvellous photos! I can't imagine how much greater your photos would be if you upgrade to an SLR ... but until you do, rest assured that I will be a frequent visitor to your galleries. Best regards, Azlin
Guest 19-Dec-2005 02:04
Great pictures, had a joyful time watching them, especially the all the good portraits.
malcolm arnold 15-Dec-2005 02:29
"Travel Photos " interesting term when applied to these galleries in particular.I see more than just this I see a true artist ,whose love of places and people have enabled her to capture the essence of the places she has visited .Her Ethiopia work is bordering on brilliant in a few exceptional images.Keep it up Monique , we who have the privealedge to view your work are better off as people for seeing the images.You,thru your efforts have also given the countries and their people a great gift.You have shown them in their best light .I love your stuff
Eric Naeyaert 18-Nov-2005 14:09
Dag Monique!
Ik kwam nog eens even surfen op je website. De kwaliteit en de orginaliteit van je foto's vind ik fel verbeterd. Ook je site zelf werd aan een grondige opknapbeurt onderworpen, zie ik. Doe zo verder, Monique! Je kan er alleen maar voordeel uit puren! Genegen groetjes, Eric.
charly 02-Nov-2005 19:33
Dag Monique,

Je kunt werkelijk wedijveren met de beste fotografen. De close-ups van de gezichten zijn sprekend en mooi in beeld gebracht. Het is een plezier om door in je gallerijen rond te neuzen.

webmaster wegwijzer
Alain-Philippe BAUDRY-KNOPS02-Nov-2005 13:15
I like your work.
Very beautiful galleries. You are talented.
Best regards
J'aime beaucoup votre travail. Il est très intéressant par sa diversité.
Guest 31-Oct-2005 15:14
Fantastic. Very worthwhile sstop at your site.
I will have to come again.

Ashley Hockenberry
AL31-Oct-2005 01:05
Thanks for showing me the world! I'm also a travel photographer but certainly have alot more to learn from your exceptional galleries - Love the different perspectives you've captured... thanks again for your inspiration!
Stu22-Oct-2005 09:07
Hi - I really enjoyed looking at your photos - really inspiring. Thanks very much.
marian thienpont 03-Oct-2005 19:30
jouw foto's zijn STEENGOED groeten marian (reismarkt)
Guest 03-Oct-2005 01:26
I had a good time looking at your photos.
Karel Corthals 24-Aug-2005 06:07
Bedankt voor de fotos. Ik zit er momenteel nog middenin (in China) en zijn zeer herkenbaar.
Karel Corthals
Gilberte Vermeulen 01-Aug-2005 13:01
You're an excellent photographer.

Guest 22-Jul-2005 21:06
Have just viewed your Favourite Travel Pictures gallery - and just want to say, I admire your work. These are the kind of results I would like to get from my own efforts, but I have to admit, yours are far superior to most and deserve the praise you are being given.
carmen 20-May-2005 06:01
Wunderschöne Fotos! :-) Vielen Dank.
Besonders diese aus Belgien schaue ich immer wieder gerne an.
Ich liebe das Land und vor allem die Menschen dort!!!
Liebe Grüße Carmen
Guest 20-Apr-2005 13:57
Thank you for visiting my silk road gallary. I have actually been view your work even before I joined pbase. Your gallary, especially your travel pictures are exceptional. Just love your style and the way you see. I am delighted to get a message from you. Thanks for the encouragement. By the way, you got my vote :> cheers
Marc Vermeulen14-Apr-2005 19:33
prachtig, steeds op het juiste moment genomen.
Lieve Schols14-Apr-2005 06:01
Prachtige foto's Monique! Je hebt niet alleen gekeken, maar ook gezien...
marge 08-Apr-2005 05:07
Dear Monique, I love your images!! I like to come back and look again and again. I am Pat Coston's mother and I am a photographer,also. You have so many opportunities to travel and gather so many great photos. You are very fortunate. Marge
Guest 10-Mar-2005 20:00
Hello Monique, I just discovered your galleries, finding your comments to Phil's.
All your work is excellent!! You have a great taste, sense of the beauty and the spiritual.
Much love and regards
Guest 28-Feb-2005 09:18
Monique, I'm glad that I found your galleries through Phil's Cyberbook. You got fantastic work here. I'll come back often. Thank you. Dandan
David Dong07-Dec-2004 12:28
You have an exquisite eye, And I appreciate the effort you put into annotating your pictures -- hard works but it adds so much. Keep posting, Thanks !!!
Leo from China 24-Nov-2004 08:20
Dear Ms. Monique,

I followed your link left at and found your travel galleries. Here we have an overwhelmingly LARGE number of travel photos, and each of them is unique in their aspects. It will take one maybe weeks or even month before finishing studying of them. I will come back again to take a good look at them at anytime in the future. Best luck to you and your travel photography.

from China
Bismarck Cuellar 11-Oct-2004 01:44
Dear Monique

I´m from Bolivia and I see your pictures, are very nice and I need talk with you about your pictures, please reply this message to my email, ok?

Thank You

judy sidonie tillinger20-Aug-2004 16:37
wonderful work.
really makes me want to drop everything
and travel. your love of what you
do is evident in each frame.
thanks, judy
Jill12-Jul-2004 15:05
Hello Monique: First allow me to state how much I appreciate your viewing of the old school and leaving me a comment. It has led me to your exceptional work and fine photography. My visit is short today however I shall visit again in order to take my time drinking in your imagery.
monique jansen08-Jul-2004 13:52
from 2004 onwards, before with analog camera, minolta 505si
Guest 08-Jul-2004 11:14
hi monique~~
unbelievble....these are pics taken by G5..
Amazing me...
ninette 27-Jun-2004 20:05
Dag Monique
Schitterende foto's -en altijd het juiste moment getroffen! Het valt me hier weer eens op dat de mooiste dingen niet voor geld te koop zijn: natuur, mensen, vreemde culturen...geen louis vuitton handtas te zien. zalig.
S. Jiten Singh 24-Apr-2004 14:58
Hey Monique:

What a pleasing view for the eyes... indeed, incredible pictures which support an incredible history of the Bishnoi People!!

Best Always
S. Jiten Singh
Bailey Zimmerman04-Apr-2004 23:41
Just had a wonderful time wandering around your galleries!!!
You are very father was German!!! Came to the states when he was 6.....he made the trip alone (meeting his mother in Michigan).....on a boat for weeks!!
Guest 28-Mar-2004 21:24
Hola Monique, soy Iñigo y veo que tus fotos son formidables, sensacionales, impresionantes, emotivas...yo quiero hacer fotos así
Jeff Cochran28-Mar-2004 16:54
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
FastUno20-Mar-2004 22:45
Great flower shots. I too love to take flower shots & have been meaning to go to a garden soon. Check out some of mine when you get a chance.

Thanks for the inspiration!
Paul Teixeira12-Mar-2004 14:54
Great portraits, I'll be coming back often...

Best regards,
Paul Teixeira
Guest 10-Mar-2004 19:36
Good stuff, Monique! Thanks for sharing it on pbase.
Guest 03-Mar-2004 04:05
hola Monique

Prachtige fotocollectie heb je. Ze herinnert er me nogmaals aan hoeveel reisbestemmingen er nog op me wachten :-)))) Geniet van je reizen. Heb nog steeds de beste herinnering aan je verjaardagsparty en het uitgeleende boek.

Welgemeende groet vanuit Buenos Aires !
Steven Sherpa (aka PB'member sherpalito)
Claudio Gatti29-Feb-2004 05:03
Hi Monique,

I'm glad you left a message in my gallery, so that I got to see your beatifull photographs. You have visited many places where I've never been and I enjoyed seeing the through your eyes. You have lots of very powerful portraits that are really inspiring.

Guest 22-Feb-2004 20:05
Monique, It was such a pleasure to view your galleries. Specially like your use of light and colour.

Phyllis Stewart10-Feb-2004 18:31
I loved touring your travel galleries...many wonderful images!
Jesús Ramírez18-Jan-2004 00:46
Hola Monique.
Gracias por los buenos momentos que me haces pasar cada vez que entro a alguna de tus galerías. Son realmente preciosas, especialmente tus retratos. Gracias de nuevo.
Guest 17-Jan-2004 17:04
I love your galleries. Well done.
Stan Siao 16-Dec-2003 04:46
Excellent photos - I wish I have the time and energy to do what you did...
Danny Brison09-Dec-2003 22:58
Goede foto's, knappe compositie en zeker een grote verscheidenheid. Nog een beetje aan de nabewerking werken en dan zijn de foto's nog beter. Prettig om mooi werk te zien op pbase.
Naturephoto Monique02-Dec-2003 16:28
Dag naamgenote, prachtige foto's! Hoop ook ooit verre reizen te kunnen maken.
Jou albums doen me alvast dromen.....
24:00 26-Nov-2003 15:18
great traveller....
Guest 26-Nov-2003 10:28
Monique, weer prachtige foto's, zoals altijd ! Proficiat, Anne (Madagascar)
Guest 25-Nov-2003 16:16
Si te gustó India, visita mi página y por favor da tu opinión.